Faculty Bios



Meet your faculty team for the following six weeks here:

Module 1: Fundamentals of evaluation in the Secretariat



Dr. Gillian Kerr is a Canadian psychologist who consults with organizations, mostly nonprofits and the public sector, to improve their effectiveness. Most of her projects relate to policy analysis, evaluation, process improvement, performance measurement and the use of knowledge and information. Gillian has assisted dozens of organizations in the public, private and non-profit sectors to develop evaluation frameworks, logic models and/or performance monitoring systems. She was Vice President of United Way of Greater Toronto, and a member of the United Way of America Outcome Measurement Task Force that created the influential evaluation measurement toolkit used worldwide since 1999. She uses methodologies based on human service evaluation and policy analysis, integrating them with process improvement and systems perspectives.

Among her clients are Citizenship & Immigration Canada, Ontario Ministry of Health & Long Term Care, Human Resources Development Canada, Industry Canada, Yahoo Canada, Bell Canada, Microsoft Canada, the Canadian Hearing Society, the Canadian Institute for Health Information, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Ontario. Gillian managed several projects in Qatar, an Arab nation in the Middle East, including the development of a National Vision initiative that continues to guide Qatar’s long-term development strategy, and a performance measurement framework for the national statistical authority
Areas of Expertise: program evaluation, performance measurement, policy analysis, work flow creation, process analysis, program design, stakeholder consultation.


 Martha McGuire is a Credentialed Evaluator and Fellow of the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES).  She has been conducting evaluation for over thirty years and has been recognized for her contribution to evaluation by the CES.  For the past 10 years she has been conducting evaluations for UN agencies and other international organizations.  She has worked with a variety of populations including the homeless, First Nations in Canada and other indigenous communities, children, older adults and people with disabilities across a number of sectors including health, employment, economic development, education and urban planning.  She assisted UNEG in developing its Evaluation Competency Framework and developing a paper on the professionalization of evaluation in the UN system.   

Martha has a keen interest in the development of the field of evaluation. Through her work on the Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) Core Body of Knowledge project with Rochelle Zorzi and Burt Perrin, she has contributed to a better understanding of the value of evaluation and what is needed to conduct credible and useful evaluations. She has also been involved with the development of the CES Professional Designation Program. She is a past board member and past-chair of the Ontario Chapter of the Canadian Evaluation Society and is also a past-president of the CES National Council. She represented CES on the board of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation and was on the Management Group Executive for EvalPartners. She received the CES 2009 Award for Contribution to Theory and Practice of Evaluation in Canada. Martha teaches Effectiveness and Accountability through Evaluation at Ryerson University.

Module 2: Evaluation within the programming cycle



Over the past 15 years as the founder of Owl RE, research and evaluation consultancy, Glenn has been involved in some 100 reviews and evaluations in over 50 countries in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. Mainly at the project or programme level for UN agencies, international organizations and NGOs, the reviews and evaluations focused largely on communications, advocacy and surge response in a range of sectors including health, media, development, civil society, youth, human rights and humanitarian.  Glenn’s role was often as team leader but also as team member or providing methodological support (e.g. in developing surveys, indicators, theories of change and evaluation frameworks) or quality control (review and approval of methodology, tools and reports).  Glenn is also an experienced teacher, facilitator and trainer in media, communications, advocacy, evaluation methods and use for UN agencies, NGOs, universities and professional associations. Glenn holds a PhD in social research and methodology from the London School of Economics and an Executive Masters in Communications Management. Glenn is Australian/Swiss and speaks English and French.

Module 3: Evaluation planning




Dr. Louise Caffrey is an Assistant Professor in Social Policy at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Louise is an experienced educator, having taught multiple Higher Education courses at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels in both the UK and Ireland. Amongst other teaching commitments, she is currently module lead for the evaluation methods component of Trinity’s MSc in Applied Social Research and is coordinator of the online Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy and Practice.

Prior to taking up an academic position, Louise worked as a research consultant, delivering numerous evaluation research reports for government, private and NGO clients in Ireland and the UK. Her academic research continues to focus on evaluation methodologies. Louise has a particular interest in complexity focused methodologies, including Realist Evaluation and systems approaches. Substantively, Louise’s research focuses on questions of policy implementation, organisational safety, inter-professional working and service-user voice and her published research focuses on these issues in both child protection systems and health systems.

Louise holds a PhD in Social Policy and a Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and an MSc in Applied Social Research from Trinity College Dublin. For further information and a detailed list of publications please see: here.



 Dr. Edurne Garcia Iriarte is an Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work and Social Policy, Trinity College Dublin (TCD). She is the director of the Post-Graduate Diploma in Social Policy and Practice and the former director of the MSc in Disability Studies at TCD. Edurne’s research focus is on the social inclusion of people with disabilities, particularly in the areas of education and community living, and on participatory research and evaluation approaches. Prior to joining TCD, Edurne graduated with a Ph.D. in Disability Studies from the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA), where she also worked as a researcher and expert evaluator at the Centre for Capacity Building on Minorities with Disabilities Research, both supporting and conducting research on Evaluation Capacity Building projects. Edurne has collaborated and led on several research and evaluation projects including project IDEM, a study which explores the intersection between disability and migration in Ireland; a national evaluation on the support to people with disabilities moving from residential institutions to the community in Ireland; Inclute.eu, a project aiming at developing inclusive education in China. She has published articles and book chapters on the above topics and she is the lead co-editor of a Disability Studies textbook "Disability and Human Rights: Global Perspectives" (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). She has lectured in several under-graduate and post-graduate programmes in Ireland and internationally on the subjects of disability and human rights, inclusive education, programme evaluation and participatory research and evaluation approaches. For a detailed list of projects and publications see: here.

Module 4: Evaluation design and evidence analysis



Dr. Patti Phillips is president and CEO of ROI Institute, Inc. A renowned leader in measurement and evaluation, she helps organizations implement the ROI Methodology in 70 countries. Since 1997, she has been a driving force in the global adoption of the ROI Methodology and the use of measurement and evaluation to drive organization change. Her work as an educator, researcher, consultant, and coach supports practitioners as they develop their own expertise in an effort to help organizations and communities thrive. Her work traverses private sector, public sector, non-profit, and non-governmental organizations. Patti serves as a member of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). In addition, she serves as Chair of the Institute for Corporate Productivity (i4cp) People Analytics Board; Principal Research Fellow for The Conference Board; board member of the Center for Talent Reporting; and Association for Talent Development (ATD) Certification Institute Fellow. Patti also serves on the faculty of the UN System Staff College in Turin, Italy. Her work has been featured on CNBC, EuroNews, and in more than a dozen business journals.

Patti’s academic accomplishments include a Ph.D. in International Development and a master’s degree in Public and Private Management.

Patti, along with her husband, Dr. Jack J. Phillips, contributes to a variety of journals and has authored a number of books on the subject of measurement, evaluation, analytics, and ROI. In 2019, she and Jack received the Distinguished Contributor Award by the Center for Talent Reporting for their contribution to the measurement and management of human capital.

Module 5: Evaluation management tools



Roger Miranda is a programme evaluator from Nicaragua based in Manchester (England). Roger has over 25 years of experience conducting, managing and participating in evaluations- primarily for international organizations. He has also taught on various evaluation topics (i.e. design, theory of change) and facilitated capacity building workshops. His areas of interest include evaluation policies and increasing the utilization of evaluations.

Prior to his current work as an independent consultant, Roger was a staff member of the UNODC Independent Evaluation Unit and of the Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS and contributed to various UNEG initiatives. Past clients have included the IAEA, UNESCO, the World Bank, the Organization of American States and FAO to name a few.

Roger holds an M.A. in European Studies from the Katholieke Universitiet Leuven (Belgium) and is the author of Eva the Evaluator- a light-hearted tome useful for explaining evaluation to non-evaluators. The book has been used by many evaluators in their work with stakeholders as well as by institutions such as the CDC, University of Manitoba, UCLA and the Slovak Evaluation Society. For more information, visit his website.

Last modified: Tuesday, 21 January 2020, 8:08 AM